Life is full of peaks and valleys

One second - floating in the sky

The next second - hit rock bottom

Happiness - What does it mean?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Subconscious vs Unconscious

A friend of mine not too long ago ask me what is Subconscious and what is Unconscious.
Is there any difference between the two?
I got curious and did a quick research.

According to Oxford Dictionary online version,
Subconscious is of or concerning the part of mind of which one is not fully aware but which influence one's behaviour and actions.

Unconscious is not awake and aware and responding to the environment.

Not fully convinced on the diffrences, I translate it to chinese.
Subconscious is 潜意识in chinese. It means that it is hidden under the consciousness. I believe it is something formed out of habits, something that is familiar which one can close the eyes and do it without any effort.
Unconscious is下意识 in chinese. It means it is below consciousness. I believe it is more like it is instinctive and situational. We go by reflex.
What do you think?

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