Life is full of peaks and valleys

One second - floating in the sky

The next second - hit rock bottom

Happiness - What does it mean?

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Clumsy of me again, I had a fall in the office that resulted in a slightly sprained ankle.
Anyway, with my sprained ankle, I hobbled around in the office.
I managed to discover quite a few things about myself and others in terms of work organisation and flow

First, my work was uninterrupted by my boss. I was no longer at the beck and call of my boss and he just sends me the email to get things done which I find it more effective and efficient. The running up and down just wears me down and take away the precious time that I had.

Second, I need to leverage on others to do work. I must get others to help me with the menial stuff like attend to customers, contractors, sign invoices, show customers around and to ferry them. The keyword or the frame of mind is What is it that others can do and i cant do if i am not physically mobile?
In other words, what are the things that others can do on my behalf?

Third, the organisation of things.
Given the mental framework is how to i carry out things when i am not physically mobile?
I must merge and organise things such that i get max number of things done while moving around less.
I find that I am quite efficient if I hold that thought in mind.

Fascinating how a sprained ankle can lead me to so much things.

Now the question is how to fend off my boss's numerous requests so that I can control my time. I do not ask for sudden cut off of requests but to minimise the number of requests.
Any suggestions?

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