Life is full of peaks and valleys

One second - floating in the sky

The next second - hit rock bottom

Happiness - What does it mean?

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Things that a good boss does - Meant what he says

An article on the Yahoo! mention that as an employee, it is important to keep an account of what your boss does, the actions taken, in order not to repeat the same mistakes that he made.
I find this rather useful, have been intending to note this down but all these comes in bits and pieces.
I shall blog it down and please give me your feedback on this.

#01 - Meant what he says

A good boss actually kept his promises.
He would have spoken to his staff after careful considerations on what needs to be done before giving instructions.
He would already had the information and data from his boss either during a discussion or a meeting.
In the case, he cant keep his promise, he must have a valid reason to explain, way in advance.
Yes, he needs to give an explanation and not simply brushing off and just tell the staff of his decision at the last minute and leave them floating helplessly in the open seas.
Of course, he cant help it but break the news that the promise cannot be kept at the last minute, he should listen out to his staff's requirements before issuing out new instructions so that it is timely and relevant.

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