Life is full of peaks and valleys

One second - floating in the sky

The next second - hit rock bottom

Happiness - What does it mean?

Monday, March 21, 2011

How to be ecological

The word Ecology comes from Greece which studies the way in which living micro-organisms can co-exist in the surrounding.

However, this post is not about being ecological scientifically. It is more about how we as a human co-exists with our fellow human beings.

We all know that we must make decisions that create a win-win situations. However, this is not easy as the environment that we all live in is very dynamic. We make decisions based on our surrounding including the people around us.

Often, when we make our decisions, we too are uncertain about the decisions that we have made. We are not completely sure what are the implications that comes with the intended effects / consequences. After the decision that was made and the event or the whole incident took place, the effects on the whole will have an impact on the decision maker.

It is like practising the strokes of tennis against the wall. When you hit the ball, you have intended for the ball to bounce back in a certain direction. However, if the ball hit a small protrusion on the wall, it will deflect to another unintended direction, causing the player to react quickly in order to catch the ball.

The uncertainty in the decision reached, the adjustments to the mindset and actions will impact on the decision maker and reflected in their behavior unconsciously. Though they are unaware, their actions have indicated to the person nearby.  And the other party with their own set of filters and knowledge,will interpret the behavious differently, causing unecological responses e.g. having bad impression of the other person,  to the unconscious actions.

In order to be ecological, besides the intentions set on being ecological, one has to sit down with the involved stakeholders and brief them what is going on. Of course, it is not easy to explain since it is so unconscious.
But it would be a whole lot better if one voice the worries and the other have a more open mind on the other person's actions. Then again, it is not so easy, depending on how well they know each other.

We all tried to be ecological. If we are misinterpreted, we tried to explain. However, it is very tough if all stakeholders are reading too much into the behavior of one another just because so many things are at stake. It is tougher to maintain any relationship having to do constant explanations. Afterall, where is the life when there is so much explanation to do?

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