Life is full of peaks and valleys

One second - floating in the sky

The next second - hit rock bottom

Happiness - What does it mean?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Job Passion III

What does working with passion excellence and being a humble servant mean? The word passion, by definition suggests that one has a deep emotion which drives them towards a particular action. So, passion is an emotion, however it is an emotion which requires one to do something.
Unlike a deep pleasure, passion causes one to feel the need to act upon this deep feeling. In fact, the Latin word from which it is derived, "pati", is to suffer. This suggests that one who has true passion does not have only a deep desire to act on a particular course, but rather it is required in order for them to avoid suffering. This is an individual who most of us think of as driven.
Doing anything with excellence of course means doing the very best that is able to be done. At least, it suggests that one will perform to the best of their own ability. This is personal excellence. Indeed performing with excellence will require passion. Although success is never a guarantee, passion never gives birth to mediocrity. Even when the outcome of a situation is not exactly what one had planned or hoped for, there are lessons to be learned. This alone is excellent. To be slowed down by a hurtle, only to continue forward towards the goal line is indeed excellence.
Serving humbly suggests that one must be not interested in their own goals, ambitions, and success alone, but rather having a passion toward helping others to reach their own success as well. In fact, by definition a humble servant is one who willingly works towards the benefit of others, without the hope or expectation of any personal gain. One who humbly serves is indeed a special individual.
When the three of these qualities are combined, one achieves a true recipe for success. A person who possesses passion, excellence and the desire to serve will find many opportunities to advance their own life as well as the lives of others.
Sadly, some people are willing to wait for good things to come to them, as though life is a lottery. Although there are no guarantees that we will have success in every endeavour, there is indeed the guarantee that those who sit and wait, will not...
Without action, whether physical action or action of the mind, what really are we all doing, but going through the motions of life? Each individual needs to take the time to tap into their personal passion, strive for excellence, and consider that serving others is beneficial to all of mankind. Working with passion excellence and being a humble servant is indeed a recipe for success in business and in life.

Article Source:

Matching Professional Passions with Job Choices

The solutions to career dilemmas may be uncovered by carefully examining your career passions. Career passions are aspects of work that you find exciting
Another element of a good job fit profile is looking at what you are passionate about when it comes to work. If you are passionate about your work, it will show in your level of job satisfaction and engagement. Matching career passions with a career choice can also lead to higher compensation, promotions and other positive career advancements.
To determine what elements of your work you are passionate about, consider the answers to the following questions. You will find that these questions require some soul searching so do not rush the process. Many career breakthroughs have been made when questions of this nature are considered as more often that not, solutions to career dilemmas are contained in the subconscious.
  1. During what sort of task(s) do you find that you loose track of time doing?
  2. What task(s) do you look forward to doing?
  3. What task(s) bring you the most pride?
  4. What type of work does (or did) your friends and family say you’d be great at?
  5. What work activity gives you energy?
  6. What aspect of your work has received the most recognition by former bosses and coworkers (refer to past performance reviews)?
  7. What would your career be if money was not a concern in your life?
  8. What do you love about your professional self?
  9. Think of someone who is doing work you would like to do. What are they doing?
  10. Was there a time when your salary seemed really easy to earn? What were you doing?
  11. What type of work did you dream of being as a child? (call your family and friends and ask them if you don’t know)
  12. As an adult, what do you feel is your calling?
  13. What have others you respect (former bosses, counsellors, teachers, clergy etc.) said is your calling (call them and ask)?
  14. Was there a time in your life when you were discouraged from doing a career you loved?
  15. What career(s) are you most afraid of admitting to yourself or most scared to pursue?
  16. What's preventing you from the career of your dreams?
  17. If your life was ending, what would you regret not choosing as a career path?

Read more at Suite101: Career Passion: Matching Professional Passions with Job Choices

Job Passion = Job Satisfaction
  • Our research shows that people who are passionate about their job/career are the ones who have the greatest job satisfaction.
  • The factor that stands out the most in the above list is “passion”.
  • When people find passion in their career, they will automatically fulfill all of the above job satisfaction needs.
  • When people find passion in their work — it's not just a job, it's a career!

Career, Hobby and Passion
  • Why do people enjoy their hobby so much even without getting paid?
  • It's because they found a “passion” in what they do.
  • If you can find passion in your career as much as you found passion in your hobby, you will definitely achieve great job satisfaction and increase your job productivity.

How to Find Passion in Your Career?
  • You have to find the right career that matches your needs, just like finding a hobby that satisfies your desire.
  • You have to find stimulation in the career, just like you find stimulation in your hobby.
  • You have to find it rewarding to work in your career, just like you find satisfaction in your hobby.

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