Life is full of peaks and valleys

One second - floating in the sky

The next second - hit rock bottom

Happiness - What does it mean?

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Wealth - a by-product

 “Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.” 
Henry Ford

This is spoken by a successful man who had gained so much during the Industrial Revolution. The man who revolutionized how cars are made on a large scale. He went on diversifying his business into telecommunications industry as well.

One can be aware that wealth is a by-product of success or a dream. A dream that was proven beneficial to other human mankind on a large scale. All one has to do is to find that dream and merge into a way or service that is essential to development of mankind and from then your wealth is set.

However, one cannot help but worrying is the dream is feasible and ideal service to the rest of the people. Dreams are intangible so the promise of wealth that accompany it are too intangible when the dreams are not realised. Thus, how can one pursue their dreams with ease without knowing if they are rest assured that their lives would not be in jeopardy if they persistently pursued their dream?

Maybe my comments are biased due to my background but bread and butter still have to be considered in places like here because the cost of living is really high and improportional to the income earned. There is no room for costly error, something that was encouraged by the people in power. This was cascaded down to the lowest social level, We cannot be helped but affected by it.
Please feel free to comment. Love to hear from you.

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